Reservations Due by Tuesday 8/7/23
You can pay-at-the-door or You can pay online. Either way, we need you to fill out the respective reservation form.
Cancellations due to Betty R. Manbeck, via email ( by Wednesday 8/9/23.
Cost of Meal: $35.00 Per Person (RESERVATIONS required)
Date: August 10, 2023
Time: Check-in 11:00 a.m. – All will be Seated by 11:30 a.m.
Place: Westchase Marriott, 2900 Briarpark Drive, Houston, Texas 77042
James H. Lewis

A “Chosin Few” survivor
James Lewis was borne on October 13, 1931. James is a 1950 graduate of Jefferson Davis High School from Houston, Texas. He went to work for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company in Houston in April of 1950.
James became a Cadet in the Civil Air Patrol in 1946. He was a member of A Company from the Army Junior ROTC in High School for 3 years, attaining the rank of 2nd LT his senior year in the JROTC.
James enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve in October of 1948 and was assigned to A Company. Upon being employed by SWBT as a Cable Splicers helper, he was assigned to headquarters, “Companies Communications Platoon” as a Wireman. The 14th Infantry in Houston called James to active duty in August 1950. He reported to Camp Pendleton for processing and was assigned to a C Battery and 3rd Regiment, 1st Marine Division as a wireman, and “Forward Observer”. James sailed for Japan the morning of September 1, 1950, he arrived in Kobe, Japan. Then he went to Korea for the Inchon Invasion. James was in his first firefight on the morning on September 18, 1950. On October 9, 1950, the 1st Marine Division was loaded aboard a troop transport and headed for the invasion at Wonsan, North Korea on October 20, 1950. Due to the harbor being mined, the 1st Marine Division landed on October 26th. The Republic of Korea Army had already past Wonsan, but the 1st Marine Division still got into the LCVP’s and went to shore. From there the 7th Marine Regiment went to Hungnam. On October 29th, the Division started for the Chosin Reservoir. After the march to the Chosin Reservoir, the 1st Division was sent to Mason, South Korea to “The Bean Patch”.
In January 1951 the 7th Regiment went on operation Gorilla Hunt. The team and James were sent on with the 1st Battalion of the Korean Marine Corps. After rejoining the 1st Marine Division, we were involved with “Operation Killer” and “Ripper”.
James Lewis was rotated out of Korea June 12, 1951. In August after spending 16 days in Shoemaker, Arkansas, James was ordered to report to Camp Lejeune on September 1,1951. At this time, he was assigned to a Shore Party Platoon in the 2nd Division Signal Battalion. James remained in Shore Party Platoon, Signal Battalion 2nd Division until March 26, 1952, and was released from active duty.
In November of 1952 the 8th Infantry Battalion was formed in Houston, Texas, and James re-enlisted. He was discharged in December 1959. Shortly after his discharge, this Unit was reorganized as 1st BN, 23rd Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division.
James Lewis proudly holds membership in the American Legion Post 490, VFW, DAV, Marine Corps League, and The Chosin Few.